Thursday, May 5, 2011

Top Things to do This Weekend in Scottsboro

Top Things to do This Weekend in Scottsboro

CMT's Benefit Concert for Tornado Relief May 12th

CMT's Benefit Concert for Tornado Relief May 12th

Thursday, April 21, 2011

50 Ways to Make Life Simple Again

As we grow older, we become bombarded with outside negative influences.  When faced with obstacles, we fell flat on our faces.  We decided we didn't want to fall anymore but not facing problems, we avoided them all together.
As a result we drank alcohol, ate comfort food, or took recreational drugs to numb our wounds and fill a void.  We worked late at night to avoid problems or unresolved conflicts at home.  We started holding grudges, playing mind games and deceiving others to get ahead.  And when it didn't work, we lived above our means, bought things we didn't need and ate, drank or used more to make ourselves feel better again.
And of course, our lives begin to spin out of control until we lost touch with who we were and what we wanted out of life or what we really need.
So, how do we fix ourselves?  By getting back to the basics and making life simple again.

Here is how:
  1. Don't try to read the minds of others and do not make them read yours.  Communicate.
  2. Be nice, but don't try to be friends with everyone you see.  Nurture the relationships you already have.
  3. Get plenty of sleep and exhausted mind is rarely productive.
  4. Your health is your life.  Take care of yourself.
  5. Get up 30 minutes earlier so you don't have to rush around like an idiot.
  6. Get off your high horse, talk it out, shake hands, and move on.
  7. Don't waste your time on jealously.  The only person your competing against is yourself.
  8. Get rid of stuff you don't use.
  9. Ask someone if you're not sure.
  10. Learn a time-saving trick you can use over and over in the future.
  11. Don't drink or use recreational drugs when you are mad or sad.  Jog instead.
  12. Pay your bills on time.
  13. Relocate closer to your work.
  14. Handle 2 minute tasks immediately.
  15. Don't steal.
  16. Always be honest with yourself and others.
  17. Say "I love you" as often as possible to your loved ones as often as possible.
  18. Don't steal.
  19. Finish one project before you start another.
  20. Single-task.  Spend your time on one project and give it all you got.
  21. Be yourself.
  22. Quit procrastinating.
  23. Stay out of other people's drama.
  24. Don't worry about things you can't change.  Concentrate on things you can.
  25. Buy things with cash.
  26. Smile often.
  27. Maintain your car and home.
  28. Apologize when you should.
  29. If you hate doing it, stop doing it.
  30. Be curious.
  31. Treat people with respect.
  32. Be curious.
  33. Write things down.
  34. Explore new ideas and opportunities.
  35. Don't be shy.
  36. Don't worry too much about what other people think.
  37. Spend your time with people who are smart, driven, and like-minded.
  38. Exercise everyday.
  39. Dont eat because your bored.
  40. Find hard work you actually enjoy doing.
  41. Realize that the harder you work the luckier you will become.
  42. Don't waste your life filling someone elses dreams or desires.
  43. Set priorities and act accordingly.
  44. Take it slow and add up your small victories.
  45. However good or bad it is now.  It will pass.  Accept this fact.
  46. Excel at what you do.
  47. Realize your never quite as right as you think you are.
  48. Build something or do something that makes you proud.
  49. Mature but don't grow up too fast.
  50. Make mistakes.  Learn from them.  Laugh at them.  Move on.
Enjoy the simple pleasures in life.  These are the ones that money can't buy.  : )

Inspire Change Through Letting Go

Simplicity is key when changing your life for the better.  Strange how the simple things in life and the things our parents always told us that we never wanted to listen too are the very things that work.

Inspiration for change:
Let go of the things you can not change.  Concentrate more on the things you can.

Is it really that simple?
Yes!  Life is what you make it.  Life is still as easy as it was when we were younger.  We tend to complicate things for ourselves.  Life is still easy.  We just have to get back to the basics.  Worry less about things that we can not change and change the things we can.

Why do we make it so hard?
We try to do too much.  We get caught up in our daily lives that sometimes we don't see the simpler changes that we can make.  For example:
  • We can't change our relationship with a loved one.  We can change our next interaction.
  • We can't our body composition..  We can eat healthy the next meal.
  • We can't get ourselves out of debt in one day.  We can make one payment and buy one less unnecessary item.
We can't change our entire lives.  We can make one small change a day to improve life.  And that's what this blog is all about!

How to choose a good Life Coach

Without a doubt, life can sometimes get crazy.  A good life coach can help when it comes to overcoming problems and achieving a better quality of life for whatever reason be it personal or professional.
A good life coach is an person who is trained to aid people who are stuck in a rut and cannot seem to break away.

Qualities of a good life coach

  • Someone who is sympathetic to their client
  • Do they have good time management skills
  • A good Life Coach sees the good in every person or situation.  
  • Do they specialize in a certain area?
  • Take a look at what they are doing in their own lives.

 Key points to remember

Here are a few things to keep in mind during your search:

  • You should always interview several life coach candidates because you are going to have to set up a rapport with them to use their services to get the most from them. 
  • Be sure to check their check their references.  You should treat it just as if you were filling a job opening and you were interviewing potential employees. 
  • The life coach you choose should have years of relevant experience.
  • Counselors, therapist, and life coaches all must further training upon their university education, and getting acknowledgements from top psychological institutions are proof of completed formal training.
Good luck on your search!

Motivational Picture Quotes

Never doubt yourself.  Believe you can and you will.

Everyday is another chance to make a positive change to improve your life.

When life gets hard, you should pray about it.

Whatever happens, happens.  We must learn to take life for what it is, a series
of uncontrollable events that is out of our control.  So, we must learn to deal with it.

If you try and fail, you have succeeded at learning.

There are some people that are meant to be in our lives forever.  There are some that
are meant to be in our lives for awhile to encourage and inspire us.  To help us grow.  There are
those who are only in our lives for just a little while.  Just remember the good times you shared and what you
learned from them to help you progress in your dreams and aspirations.  That is what they were here for.

They are people.  Nourish your relation ships. Be good to those who care about
you the most.  Let them know you love them each and every day.  You never know what the next day, hour or
second may hold.

So, be brave.

It is never to late to turn your life around but do not waste another second.  Just do it.
You do not know what the next second may hold.

Dare to be different and never change who you are.